Support Directory

Tutorials and tips to get the most out of your new goodies!

Free Trials

Video tutorials on these support pages use products from my free bundle to demonstrate the steps, tools, and features that you’ll need to know to get started.

So while the products you’ve purchased may look different, if you’re still learning the basics and would like to follow along with any tutorial exactly, you can grab them here:

Canva Product Support

Procreate Product Support

Seamless Patterns

Hey there, I’m Casey!

As a Graphic Designer, Digital Product Creator, and DIY Branding Coach, I will help you learn how to craft a stunning online presence to attract your dream audience and quickly increase your profits!

I’d love to invite you to join my free Facebook Group community where you’ll find branding guidance, learn all the Canva and Procreate tips you can stand, and get tons of support along the way.

For all other ways to get in touch, please visit my Contact page here: